A word from our MD
The scientific evidence is clear; we are facing a climate emergency. Many of us do what we can to reduce emissions, be responsible in our choices and do our bit by buying renewable energy, reducing meat consumption, recycling religiously or travelling more responsibly. The reality is, we need governments to address this climate crisis by setting policies and direction that give us the best chance of not leaving our children and grandchildren with a grim future.
We are calling on the leaders of the world to put aside politics and difference and come together to show real readership and to leave a legacy that gives the planet a chance. Our own Prime Minister already says the chances of COP26 success are “touch and go”. That’s simply not good enough, especially when the COP26 goals already lack ambition and definition. The moment is now to make real change.
Any pledges to reducing fossil fuels, petrol cars, increasing renewable energy and protecting nature must be very specific and measurable. Furthermore, levels of climate investment, both at home and abroad in developing countries, need to be game changing amounts which are far larger than the current $100bn target, which is already unlikely to be met.
The next summit may be too late. We need action and real ambition at this COP26 from those who have been elected to make a difference.
As a company, we are committing to reduce our own carbon emission by a minimum of 5% year on year and to reach net zero by 2030. Further reducing our internal emissions feels an achievable and essential action, but we want to look beyond this and support the reduction of our customer’s emissions too. Travel has a significant impact on the planet and campaigning to reduce those impacts will challenge our business, but we must all take responsibility to travel in a better way.
Mike Bevens,
Managing Director of Sawday’s and Canopy & Stars